Opaque Oasis

Opaque Oasis

Dec 20, 2010

Moon Stone Lake Pt. 4

Eventually Isabella and Elizabeth climbed out of the lake
And wiped every area of their bodies dry
The laughter was mutual along with
The glow of happiness in each other’s eyes
Isabella and Elizabeth had just shared
The most intense experience of their lives
Every waking second was an adventure
And for adventure they desperately thrived
They then grasped each other’s hands
Took a stroll underneath the moonlight
In motion with the warm, summer breeze
Just fifteen minutes after midnight
As if there was no tomorrow
They held each others bodies tight
Kissing ever so gently
Throughout the entire night

Dec 19, 2010

Moon Stone Lake Pt. 3

As soon as they hit the water Elizabeth began to lean in
To kiss Isabella just before the foreplay was to begin
Pleasuring her mouth with the powers of her tongue
Exploring her taste buds and spicing up the fun
Thirty minutes Elizabeth's tongue went down south
Oh the wonders she could do with the magic of her mouth
Isabella moaned loudly with pleasure screaming her name
High pitched like a falsetto then falling low again like rain
Of which afterward the full scale love session began
Sinking them with satisfaction into pits of quicksand
Both were experienced lovers, so they could meet each other’s demands
They were made for each other excellence is where their relationship stands
Fifteen minutes later they exploded yelling “Fuck!”
While at the same time causing bubbles to erupt
Hugging each other tightly exhausted and out of breath
Their energy had been drained not a single ounce was left

Dec 18, 2010

Moon Stone Lake Pt. 2

Night time finally fell and Isabella was ready to see
Elizabeth's beautiful face on this very fine eve
For tonight she is the only thing that Isabella needs
Every moment is treasured as they let their hearts lead
They met up at the lake both eager to engage
Into a physical romance to unleash their rage
And take that next step towards turning the page
Letting their beasts break free from their cage
So Isabella and Elizabeth once again began to lock lips
Stripping cloth for cloth as to the ground their bodies hit
The sparks had been ignited and the fire had been lit
Wasting no time as into the act they moved quick
Before they got dirty they grasped each other’s hands
Pinching their noses as towards the water they both ran
Jumping into the lake screaming as loudly as he could
Laughing with joy and excitement just as they should

Dec 14, 2010

Moon Stone Lake Pt. 1

Later that night Elizabeth picked up the phone
Anxious to see if Isabella was even at home
Lucky enough Isabella managed to answer the call on time
The sweet sound of her voice sent chills down Elizabeth's spine
Elizabeth asked her if she would like to go for a swim in the lake
And how it would be very bold but quite a fun risk to take
Elizabeth said ‘Underneath the moon sweet love we will make.’
“We will take it to the next level just for each other’s sake.”
Isabella accepted looking forward to spending quality time
With Elizabeth for she was the only thing on her mind
Comfort in the arms of her lover was all she wanted to find
As long as they had each other everything would be fine
Elizabeth said “Great I was thinking we could do it tonight?”
“We can meet up at Moon Stone Lake if that’s alright.”
“Yeah sure that will be fine.” Isabella said
Wondering about the events that lied ahead

Dec 3, 2010

Fake People II

In life it is better
to give than to take
but what do you get
out of being fake
it makes no sense
to be something you're not
if that was the case
then I'd rather be shot
I'd rather just be
who I've always been
last time I checked the Bible
that wasn't a sin
if you like being fake
there is a place for you
in a store with mannequins
for the public to see the truth
you're only good for modeling
what people want to buy
honestly it's quite sad
if that were me I'd want to die
than live in a world
where being fake is accepted
watch out for this species
it’s easy to get infected
if you’re gonna talk the talk
then you got to walk the walk
otherwise you’re just as useless
as a sweaty gym sock
I abandon fakes
much like people avoid rocks
once a fake always a fake
how many shipments left in stock?

The High End Of Low

A beautiful, human creature
hungry to begin a new page
only for the words to be erased
installing in him fits of rage

As clueless as he is surprised
obvious depression he denies
steaming anger fills his eyes
for he has learned he's not as wise

As he might have once thought
subsequently left and right
he continuously fought
in an effort to make things right

But nothing ever works out
and the lights don't seem to shine
they cover him in darkness
for darkness his sorrow defines

This isn't familiar to him
how did he get here?
is there a map nearby?
within this strange atmosphere?

Nothing ever seems to make sense anymore
people play the game but who's keeping score?
things will never be as they were once before
the results more often than not are hard to ignore

Now this creature was undoubtedly lost
he was alone without a home
he was always on the move
to wherever his heart would roam

Often his heart would lead him
to the darkest places on Earth
and upon this encounter
soon a rebirth will emerge

This rebirth transforms any human
that inhales the enchanted smoke
into the most powerful creature
and untold magic they will evoke

So this creature sold his soul
to this master of tricks and deceit
blindly soaking up the riches
along with his death through defeat

Speak No More

There is a voice that lurks
Within the walls of my mind
Desperate to be set free but
An escape it can not find

So it dances around the corners
Of my lips with persuasion
Trying to force me to speak
As I conceal it in frustration

Withdrawing my words
Retracting every sentence
Annihilating every syllable
In hopes for repentance

For the countless cases of drama
That this voice alone has caused
Instead of pressing play
I’ll keep my finger on pause

To protect everyone
From verbal danger
Resulting from the depths
Of my impulsive anger

I don’t want to be trapped
Inside this bubble of guilt forever
I have a story to tell but
Suddenly silences sounds much better

No more pain
Equals no more tears
No more scars
Equals no more fears