Opaque Oasis

Opaque Oasis

Apr 27, 2012

☽11:11 ☾

Hybrid eyes
Void of faces to dance with
Lie soundless
As their brothers sweep in


A canary sojourned my garden
The hunger whispering from its eyes
Greeting my palm with
Affectionate nibbles of gratitude
whilst circling the symmetries
of my palm
it sprang forth in merriment
a concluding chirp transpired
and away it flew

Viva La Imagism²

Viva La Imagism²

Every being that lapses before you

Is but a mere fluorescence

Illuminating your flaws

Elementary constellations

A façade of what you’ve become

Every strand of organic texture

Ejecting slivers of your identity

Every surface, every footprint

Annexed imagery

They are all reincarnations

Of past, present, and future mistakes

We are all scientists and teachers

Creators and explorers

Living within equations

Striving endlessly for solutions

When the solution lies before us

Viva La Imagism!


a truculent épée.
sharp was the sound
of each tear drop
the taste of yesterday


Celebration breaks
a waterfall descends
dewdrops of mirth
twine to form
theatrical strands
diffusing mélanges
of paradise
‘twas a triumphant day
to have reigned


Fates transmuted

Beguiled by the labium

of disaster; as it emanates

fallacies of mirth;

a vagary unattainable

Chasing Cultures

A riverbank of memories
saturates cultured minds
such succulent visuals
of precipitation
so moist, so pleasant
spines shiver in longing
howls ascend


A fruitless vein

Ruptures the


Of society’s esophagus

Embellishing virtual


Within browsers of


Innovations, ideas,


Traded for

corruption and malice,

Paranoia on the rise,

Innocence sucked,

swallowed, and

Into the IP addresses

of democracy

Yellow Stone

A white rose
bathes within
the beautiful radiance
pouring forth from
the yellow stone
resting at base of the
ozone layer---
simulating a beauty of the
highest rarity;
A pacifying desire
beats across my knees; dissolving
into puddles of hunger


Malignant, an echo of
penetrates the aura
of American freedom
as humanity
an arsenal
of political fascism
shape shifting
into beads
branded by mercury

Ambrosial Lights

A prophecy arose
Within the silhouette of dawn
how the hollow skylines pirouette
along fate’s bowels
gliding in smooth succession
Whilst sampling memories
of Japanese cherry blossoms
moths fervently surround
Diverse symmetries
of porch lights

Apr 8, 2012


A golden fortune
lingers along the patterns
of my palm; a opiate suave
the mere touch; a picturesque
symbolic of greed and dishonor
thousands of lips taste
swiped corporate rhinestones

Medieval Science Presents

A pocketbook of grins
deprived of rightful glory,
passion, and peace
unionized candles
like smeared lip stick
upon subconscious intellect
layered with finite faces


so vivid and clear
hum patterns of melodies
across the universe
fanning wildfires of euphoria
Whilst swallowing the anguish
from confounded pupils
waking in a linear paradise


A spark conceived by way of the wind’s undertones
Assertive they rest their eyes, a scope of passion
Was comatose but a century ago
The face of anonymity yet a dream to turn up gold
Only love’s curiosity overtook navigation

Gravity's Finest Portrait

The taste of tangerines
coloring open draught
a delectable, yet sensual
snatch of beauty
running in the deep,
chasing timeless renditions
of nature's parade

Seeds From Space

Shards of glass
riddled with ambiance
radiating through the ages
shape-shifting the speed of sound;
the effects upon eardrums produce
extra terrestrial qualities
between distances
a gravitational pull whines
retreat with honor

Buffalo Bath At Location

The buffalo gallop
Across death holes;
I invite them to take a plunge
Into my bath of iced tea
Tone and texture, fur and liquid
Existing; happiness and I were
Engaged as allies; clouds resembling
An art gallery with hiccups of paradise
The picture was a memory
Worthy of storage

Xeni Lotus

Memories, corpses, decomposition

Making love to Earth’s arsenal genitals

A colorless tapestry, a scar unyielded

Well I only wished to eat a bowl

Of insomnia yet, in the youth of

Every midnight lotus; we eat each others

Emotions; drink each other’s thoughts

A banner of wordplay, a stream of cement

Transmit mystic oracles

Golden Godfather Rises

Rivers flow
in volumes and refrains
the shadows of black phoebes
chasing waves
as they ripple
in quiet tones
a majestic scenery
tainted by involuntary lullabies
of atonement

Evergreen Suite

Petals with textures of full moons
sensations tingle like the hands
of grandfather clocks
apathetic to cobwebs
procreated through decades
marred by dolor
strange repercussions
groove across pebble stones
flames leap from pages
a tale of voodoo incense