He passes yet another glance at
the terror that is his reflection
fear and cowardice in his eyes
reminding him of his imperfections
he punches the mirror and runs
the sight of this creature is demeaning
the traces of its features
He was clueless to the meaning
confused he ran back
To get another sneak peek
Only this time it showed the creature
hustling drugs across the streets
refusing to work normal jobs
for his needs they do not meet
Dating women not for the love
But for the money and the sex
dropping them like bad habits
Without a single call or text
From the outside looking in
This isn’t who he wants to be
His damaged reputation
Was unbearable to see
It was like time traveling
Foreseeing excruciating nightmares
Becoming consumed in tragedy
Posing unknown health scares
It depresses him to know that
If not careful that could be him
Though he completely rejects the idea
‘cause it runs deep under his skin
But no matter what he wouldn’t let it
Destroy his value and self respect
He would not allow himself to become
The subject that he would regret
Desperately he takes a grenade
And shatters the false visual
Replacing the massacres with miracles
Never to let them become habitual