Opaque Oasis

Opaque Oasis

Jul 15, 2012

Makita V: Orange Draught

fences groan
In fuchsia fingered sighs
Passion sprinting
Along aging sands
Whilst from diamond straightjackets
Black snow descends
To a fine, orange death

Makita IV: Ages & Quakes

were the mirrors
alleviating all that is
bred of elementary nature
having spaked in tones
that could quake the bones
fashioning humanity’s frame
furnished by deathly tales

Makita III: Breast Of Fear

As the bark of fear ascends
callow pages crease
illustrating a youthful doxy
abreast a sheet of smoke
waltzing betwixt velveteen lips
as if tomorrow’s mistakes
mattered yesterday

Makita II: Black Moans

Hazel mirrors glisten

In pages of tribulation

Taciturn apparitions moan

Designing rueful brands of sin

Upon the shaken sands she weaves

As she is forsaken

To drink of harrowing memories

Makita I: Calligraphic Boulevards

Versed within aureate calligraphy
Each syllable we’d partake
Defined by moments
When our lips would graze
As we lie in the bedsteads
Fashioned by the finest mirth
Born of cultured artistry