Opaque Oasis

Opaque Oasis

Jul 22, 2010


Nightmares turn to dreams
awakening me with screams
nothing is as it seems
but I'll be fine

I've been bruised and broken
with many words left unspoken
oceanic regrets I've been soaked in
but I'll be fine

Imprisoned in webs of misfortune
dividing my soul up into portions
threatened by levels of extortion
but I'll be fine

Hellos become goodbyes
laughs turn into cries
and I've come to realize
that I'm far from fine

Jul 21, 2010

Not Right

Never there when you’re in need
Always watching as you bleed
Suffocating as I breathe
Its just not right

I’ve left you all alone
Without a path to guide you home
Turning my heart to stone
Its just not right

Tears in your eyes sing
Rivers of pain that sting
Shields I’ve failed to bring
Its just not right

Teach me how to heal
Tell me it’s not real
Understand how I feel
How can I make it right?

Jul 17, 2010

Infinity Vs. Fate

Fate is but a mystery
Perceived by most as a chosen path
Others believe it to be outrageous
So they just point fingers and laugh
They don’t believe in a higher power
No sort of authority figures do they trust
They're simply living their own lives
Leaving those before them to collect dust
Infinity what is infinity?
Is it what we’re seeking for?
Is it the biggest waste of our lives?
Is it worth competing for?
forever is a long time
a risky commitment to make
be sure it’s what you want
before confirming your fate
Infinity and fate
The meanings aren’t easily construed
Yes they may sound similar
But there are differences between the two
Fate is the outcome predetermined by your actions
Infinity is the sentence you’ll be serving no subtractions
Infinity and fate
Such a dangerous combination
If not careful it can lead
To a life of abomination

Jul 4, 2010


No friends by his side
no money to survive
no meaning to his life
another waste of space

He possesses little compassion
he doesn't bother taking action
he holds no value or attraction
another waste of space

He lives beneath a hole
he has no morals or goals
he plays no important role
just another waste of space

He serves a pointless existence
the feeling is just so persistent
and it's annoyingly consistent
this space can be replaced

Jul 2, 2010


Whenever there's an aching pain
whenever there is too much rain
when things don't feel the same
you make it fade away

When I've become obsolete
when I have fallen in defeat
whenever I'm feeling weak
you make it fade away

whenever life leaves me in bruises
when I have no source to prove it
when I am mad and I just lose it
you make it fade away

When misery starts taking over
and there's no more four leaf clovers
as this world keeps getting colder
don't you ever fade away